'Louisa' is a story in the Lisa, Jody, and Holly series
It began with a simple bank robbery. The robbers were armed - heavily armed, so the police called for the Angels. The Angels are three young girls with extraordinary ESP powers, one of which is the ability to protect themselves and other from being shot by deflecting bullets and stuff using telekinesis. Lisa, Jody, and Holly take along their latest recruit, Louisa. Louisa doesn't have all the ESP abilities - not yet - all she can do is talk to the other three mind to mind - a useful enough ability in itself. Jody - the Angels expert in firearms and other weapons - notices the guns being used are American military issue. A quick phone call to their friends in the security services begins a series of events which see the Angels stuck between two squads of soldiers shooting at each other- and at them - and sees Louisa left to cope with the transport by plane of two highly placed government officials all on her own - with gunmen and terrorists everywhere - or so it seems.

Here's the actual book.
It's only available on Amazon Kindle
The three disgraces
A series of five books by Ian Berry